Source: measured-node-metrics/lib/utils/CpuUtils.js

const os = require('os');

 * @module CpuUtils
module.exports = {
   * @return {{idle: number, total: number}}
  cpuAverage: () => {
    //Initialise sum of idle and time of cores and fetch CPU info
    let totalIdle = 0,
      totalTick = 0;
    const cpus = os.cpus();

    cpus.forEach(cpu => {
      //Total up the time in the cores tick
      Object.keys(cpu.times).forEach(type => {
        totalTick += cpu.times[type];
      //Total up the idle time of the core
      totalIdle += cpu.times.idle;

    //Return the average Idle and Tick times
    return { idle: totalIdle / cpus.length, total: totalTick / cpus.length };

   * @param {{idle: number, total: number}} startMeasure
   * @param {{idle: number, total: number}} endMeasure
  calculateCpuUsagePercent: (startMeasure, endMeasure) => {
    //Calculate the difference in idle and total time between the measures
    const idleDifference = endMeasure.idle - startMeasure.idle;
    const totalDifference = -;
    //Calculate the average percentage CPU usage
    return Math.ceil(100 - 100 * idleDifference / totalDifference);