Source: measured-node-metrics/lib/nodeOsMetrics.js

const { Gauge, CachedGauge } = require('measured-core');
const { cpuAverage, calculateCpuUsagePercent } = require('./utils/CpuUtils');
const os = require('os');

 * The default reporting interval for node os metrics is 30 seconds.
 * @type {number}

 * A map of Metric generating functions, that create Metrics to measure node os stats.
const nodeOsMetrics = {
   * @return {Gauge}
  'node.os.loadavg.1m': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      return os.loadavg()[0];
   * @return {Gauge}
  'node.os.loadavg.5m': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      return os.loadavg()[1];
   * @return {Gauge}
  'node.os.loadavg.15m': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      return os.loadavg()[2];
  'node.os.freemem': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      return os.freemem();
  'node.os.totalmem': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      return os.totalmem();

   * Gauge to track how long the os has been running.
   * See {@link} for more information.
   * @return {Gauge}
  'node.os.uptime': () => {
    return new Gauge(() => {
      // The os.uptime() method returns the system uptime in number of seconds.
      return os.uptime();

   * Creates a {@link CachedGauge} that will self update every updateIntervalInSeconds and sample the
   * cpu usage across all cores for sampleTimeInSeconds.
   * @param {number} [updateIntervalInSeconds] How often to update and cache the cpu usage average, defaults to 30 seconds.
   * @param {number} [sampleTimeInSeconds] How long to sample the cpu usage over, defaults to 5 seconds.
  'node.os.cpu.all-cores-avg': (updateIntervalInSeconds, sampleTimeInSeconds) => {
    updateIntervalInSeconds = updateIntervalInSeconds || 30;
    sampleTimeInSeconds = sampleTimeInSeconds || 5;

    return new CachedGauge(() => {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        //Grab first CPU Measure
        const startMeasure = cpuAverage();
        setTimeout(() => {
          //Grab second Measure
          const endMeasure = cpuAverage();
          const percentageCPU = calculateCpuUsagePercent(startMeasure, endMeasure);
        }, sampleTimeInSeconds);
    }, updateIntervalInSeconds);

 * This module contains the methods to create and register default node os metrics to a metrics registry.
 * @module node-os-metrics
module.exports = {
   * Method that can be used to add a set of default node process metrics to your app.
   * @param {SelfReportingMetricsRegistry} metricsRegistry
   * @param {Dimensions} customDimensions
   * @param {number} reportingIntervalInSeconds
  createOSMetrics: (metricsRegistry, customDimensions, reportingIntervalInSeconds) => {
    customDimensions = customDimensions || {};
    reportingIntervalInSeconds = reportingIntervalInSeconds || DEFAULT_NODE_OS_METRICS_REPORTING_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS;

    Object.keys(nodeOsMetrics).forEach(metricName => {
      metricsRegistry.register(metricName, nodeOsMetrics[metricName](), customDimensions, reportingIntervalInSeconds);

   * Map of metric names to a corresponding function that creates and returns a Metric that tracks it.
   * See {@link nodeOsMetrics}