Source: measured-core/lib/Collection.js

const Optional = require('optional-js');
const Counter = require('./metrics/Counter');
const Gauge = require('./metrics/Gauge');
const SettableGauge = require('./metrics/SettableGauge');
const CachedGauge = require('./metrics/CachedGauge');
const Histogram = require('./metrics/Histogram');
const Meter = require('./metrics/Meter');
const Timer = require('./metrics/Timer');
const { MetricTypes } = require('./metrics/Metric');

 * A Simple collection that stores names and a {@link Metric} instances with a few convenience methods for
 * creating / registering and then gathering all data the registered metrics.
 * @example
 * var { Collection } = require('measured');
 * const collection = new Collection('node-process-metrics');
 * const gauge = collection.gauge('node.process.heap_used', () => {
 *    return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
 * });
class Collection {
   * Creates a named collection of metrics
   * @param {string} [name] The name to use for this collection.
  constructor(name) { = name;

     * internal map of metric name to {@link Metric}
     * @type {Object.<string, Metric>}
     * @private
    this._metrics = {};

   * register a metric that was created outside the provided convenience methods of this collection
   * @param name The metric name
   * @param metric The {@link Metric} implementation
   * @example
   * var { Collection, Gauge } = require('measured');
   * const collection = new Collection('node-process-metrics');
   * const gauge = new Gauge(() => {
   *    return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
   * });
   * collection.register('node.process.heap_used', gauge);
  register(name, metric) {
    this._metrics[name] = metric;

   * Fetches the data/values from all registered metrics
   * @return {Object} The combined JSON object
  toJSON() {
    const json = {};

    Object.keys(this._metrics).forEach(metric => {
      if (, metric)) {
        json[metric] = this._metrics[metric].toJSON();

    if (! {
      return json;

    const wrapper = {};
    wrapper[] = json;

    return wrapper;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link Gauge}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {function} readFn See {@link Gauge}
   * @return {Gauge}
  gauge(name, readFn) {

    let gauge;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.GAUGE).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        gauge = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        gauge = new Gauge(readFn);
        this.register(name, gauge);
    return gauge;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link Counter}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {CounterProperties} [properties] See {@link CounterProperties}
   * @return {Counter}
  counter(name, properties) {

    let counter;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.COUNTER).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        counter = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        counter = new Counter(properties);
        this.register(name, counter);
    return counter;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link Histogram}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {HistogramProperties} [properties] See {@link HistogramProperties}
   * @return {Histogram}
  histogram(name, properties) {

    let histogram;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.HISTOGRAM).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        histogram = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        histogram = new Histogram(properties);
        this.register(name, histogram);
    return histogram;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link Timer}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {TimerProperties} [properties] See {@link TimerProperties}
   * @return {Timer}
  timer(name, properties) {

    let timer;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.TIMER).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        timer = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        timer = new Timer(properties);
        this.register(name, timer);
    return timer;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link Meter}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {MeterProperties} [properties] See {@link MeterProperties}
   * @return {Meter}
  meter(name, properties) {

    let meter;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.METER).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        meter = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        meter = new Meter(properties);
        this.register(name, meter);
    return meter;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link SettableGauge}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {SettableGaugeProperties} [properties] See {@link SettableGaugeProperties}
   * @return {SettableGauge}
  settableGauge(name, properties) {

    let settableGauge;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.GAUGE).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        settableGauge = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        settableGauge = new SettableGauge(properties);
        this.register(name, settableGauge);
    return settableGauge;

   * Gets or creates and registers a {@link SettableGauge}
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {function} valueProducingPromiseCallback A function that returns a promise than when
   * resolved supplies the value that should be cached in this gauge.
   * @param {number} updateIntervalInSeconds How often the cached gauge should update it's value.
   * @return {CachedGauge}
  cachedGauge(name, valueProducingPromiseCallback, updateIntervalInSeconds) {

    let cachedGauge;
    this._getMetricForNameAndType(name, MetricTypes.GAUGE).ifPresentOrElse(
      registeredMetric => {
        cachedGauge = registeredMetric;
      () => {
        cachedGauge = new CachedGauge(valueProducingPromiseCallback, updateIntervalInSeconds);
        this.register(name, cachedGauge);
    return cachedGauge;

   * Checks the registry for a metric with a given name and type, if it exists in the registry as a
   * different type an error is thrown.
   * @param {string} name The metric name
   * @param {string} requestedType The metric type
   * @return {Optional<Metric>}
   * @private
  _getMetricForNameAndType(name, requestedType) {
    if (this._metrics[name]) {
      const metric = this._metrics[name];
      const actualType = metric.getType();
      if (requestedType !== actualType) {
        throw new Error(
          `You requested a metric of type: ${requestedType} with name: ${name}, but it exists in the registry as type: ${actualType}`
      return Optional.of(metric);
    return Optional.empty();

   * Validates that the provided name is valid.
   * @param name The provided metric name param.
   * @private
  _validateName(name) {
    if (!name || typeof name !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('You must supply a metric name');

   * Calls end on all metrics in the registry that support end()
  end() {
    const metrics = this._metrics;
    Object.keys(metrics).forEach(name => {
      const metric = metrics[name];
      if (metric.end) {

module.exports = Collection;